For Oncology Groups

Excellence in Oncology

Clinically validated and co-developed in partnership with leading oncologists, Careology is a connected digital platform delivering high quality, high value care.

Better Patient Care Outcomes

Healthcare teams are able to extend their care beyond the four walls of the hospital. Our platform allows for early intervention, before side effects become more advanced and costly to deal with. This means patients feel more supported and more in control, staying on top of their treatment with reminders, while push notifications offer access to the right information at the right time.

Screen shots of features from the Careology online platform

Improve Operational Efficiency

Provide greater access to care by offering treatment remotely, while addressing health inequities. Identify potential issues earlier via health and engagement metrics, allowing for fast intervention and freeing up capacity. Coordinate streamlined access to holistic, patient-reported data sets for exponential insight; Careology Pro puts key patient and care plan data in a single channel, connecting the cancer treatment pathway in one intuitive platform, for a true overview.

Screen shots of features from the Careology online platform

An easy-to-use and quick to implement digital platform transforming cancer treatment now and in the future

Shield icon drawing with a check mark

Validated & Certified

Developed in collaboration with leading oncology teams, SOC 2 certified, HIPAA compliant, and designed to meet the highest standards of data security and patient privacy.

Personalization icon


Deliver a premium service with personalized content for each patient. Either from your practice, your organization or from our bank of articles, tips and recipes all from vetted sources.

Patient Monitoring icon

Patient Monitoring

Precisely track medication adherence and response to treatment, and offer the right level of care for your patients’ needs and preferences with no additional resource.

Guy’s & St Thomas’ and Careology

Guy's Cancer, a world-leading cancer center, has adopted Careology as an innovative solution that enhances care quality and streamlines workflows.

Careology is embedded into Guy’s Cancer for operational efficiency, reducing pressure with digital tools that minimize unnecessary hospital visits and improve care.

NHS Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust logo

“Careology implemented and transformed how we deliver digital care beyond the hospital walls so we can continue to offer best-in-class treatment. Careology provides tools for our professional staff and patients to use daily.”

Dr Majid Kazmi

Chief of Cancer Services, Deputy Medical Director

Delivering value to all stakeholders

Healthcare professional in scrubs with a stethoscope holding a digital tablet

For providers & clinicians

Elevate the care provided to patients with a best-in-class digital cancer care tool.

Two women reading a book together on a white couch.

For patients

Better experiences of treatment and better clinical support.

Two individuals with headphones and a laptop in a home kitchen setting.

For family & friends

More information and more peace of mind, to better support patients.

Our Approach


Listen to and understand the needs of the team


Co-create a bespoke plan


Put the plan into action


Measure progress and impact, making iterative adjustments


Continue to maximize and deliver value in the teams we serve

Careology’s story

Designed and built from patients experiencing both the Up Days and the Down Days of cancer, Careology combines clinical and holistic support with intuitive digital tools, supporting people living with cancer. Careology improves the overall patient experience by keeping them connected to their healthcare and navigation teams, friends and family, as well as their healthcare providers and payers.

A couple embracing while looking at a wavy sea from a sandy beach